How to Adjust JVC TV Brightness

So you have a new JVC TV and you wish to adjust the brightness. After all having the TV at its default brightness is a pain on the eyes as its always too bright and burns a lot of energy too.

Funny thing is that after turning down the brightness on a TV you will find that there is little difference and the benefits you gain are way better. So this guide will help you out especially if you cant find the settings yourself.

How to Adjust JVC TV Brightness?

In order to adjust the brightness on your JVC TV go ahead and

1.On your JVC TV remote press the menu button.

2.Navigate with the direction buttons to the option that says Backlight.

3. Adjust the backlight level from 100 down to at least 50% I find I can go as low as 25% without things being too dark or loose picture quality.You can go back and exit the menu when you find the desired brightness.

Video Tutorial:

So this is my video tutorial that shows everything, you can watch by click play.

Click Play

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About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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