No Network Connection Fix

This one is related to your Android device or Samsung phone and you getting the No Network Connection error. This error usually indicates that your network or that of your carrier to be more exact is down.

The problem may lie though with your device or as the error suggests with your carrier. In these cases its up to you to track down and fix the problem. In this guide I will show you how to do that so you can fix the problem.

As mentioned earlier the problem can be with you or your service provider or your phone and it can be very tricky from the perspective of a user to figure out which one it is.

Video Tutorial:

What the following Video tutorial to be guided on what to do.

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How to Fix the No Network Connection Problem?

When faced with this problem go ahead and try this right now

1.Go ahead and remove your Sim card from the Sim tray. You will need a SIM eject tool that will get the SIM out. Clean the metal contact of the SIM and make sure there is no dirt or dust in the SIM port.

Also observe your SIM to make sure its not bent or flexed in any way which will prevent it from working. Replace the SIM card and see if it works.

2.Reboot your phone and see if that helps in connecting with your carrier again.

3.Go to settings,Connections, Mobile networks, Network Operators and try select your carrier Manually. This may help you in connecting once more with your carrier network.

4.Place your SIM in another phone and if the SIM works fine in another device the issue is with your phone and not your Carrier or it may be with your SIM card. If you are the only one o the same network with the issue its most likely your SIM which will need replacing.

4.Some times the problem is with your carrier and they are having issues in this case there is nothing you can do until they resolve the issue. So call up your carrier with another phone and check for problems in your area. You can also talk to others with the same service and if they are having the same issue its with your carrier.

Before You Go

Network based issue are particularly difficult to handle and it great to rule out your device or the SIM as being the source of the problem once you do your network provider if its there issue will handle things in a timely manner.

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About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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