Samsung A20s Clear Cache

My guide will show how to on the Samsung A20s Clear Cache. You will be able to clear the cache for any App that’s on your device.

This may come in handy in cases where you have a App crashing or not functioning as it should. So its always great to know how to do this for all your devices.

Video Tutorial:

This is my video guide made to show you how to do it. Please feel free to leave your comment or feedback as needed.

Click Play

How to Clear App Cache Samsung A20s?

In order to clear the cache of the Apps

1.Go to your settings.

2.Next select Apps.

3.From here find your App and go to storage.

4.Finally look at the bottom of the screen and click clear cache and you also have the option to clear data (optional).

5.Reboot your device and launch the App and it should be working again.

That’s it your App should be working again as normal. Please comment below, share and take the time now to check out even more content.

About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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