How to Have WiFi or Internet during Power Outage 3

You know the feeling,you simply wanted to do some work and bam the power goes out. The worst part is that you could have been doing some research and completing that paper on your Laptop or phone but now that the WiFi or internet is down due to the power outage you will have to wait until it returns. Or do you? well you don’t! in today’s article I will be showing you How to Have WiFi or Internet during power Outage on your wired High speed Internet connection at home (May also work on other types of connections).

What you will need?

First you will need:

1.Your modem or router provided by your Internet service Provider (ISP).

2.A uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS).

3.Device you want to connect to the Internet such as Laptop, phone or other gadget.

Also note this is not only for research you can continue to use the internet for Social Media, Gaming,sending Emails or whatever you desire.

Video Demonstration:

Watch the following video to see how it done.

How to Have WiFi or Internet during power Outage?

The solution is simple and most people do not even realize it but for most forms of internet the Internet is still there during a power outage but due to the fact that there is no power you would never know.

Now if you were to purchase a Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) this would fix your issue easily. In fact I have a great recommended UPS that I purchased and started to use recently.

A added bonus of a ups is that it can power your desktop or charge other devices too from the power it stores. You could even simply use it for your modem only. Finally in case the power suddenly goes off and comes back on your modem will not reboot as it normally would and have you wait each time for the 2-3 minutes boot up and connection time.

Where to buy a reliable UPS?

You can purchase a reliable UPS below.

Benefits of this method:

1.You can have internet in a power outage.

2.No more waiting for modem to boot backup in case of sudden power cut and then the power returns.

3.You can charge your phone and other devices from the UPS allowing you to work for longer.

Before you go:

I hope you now know something you did not before as it relates to How to Have WiFi or Internet during power Outage. Not every one may realize that they can still have internet in a power outage on a wired internet connection at home,I recommend that you try this on your internet as well. Over the years this method has worked with several Wired and wireless Internet connections I have had.

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About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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3 thoughts on “How to Have WiFi or Internet during Power Outage

  • Patrick

    People should know this will not always work. We have Frontier DSL service and their switching station does not have a battery backup. When the power in our area goes down, so does the Frontier DSL switching station, taking our internet service out.

    • Ricardo Gardener Post author

      Yes that’s true if your ISP or the base station they use does not have power of battery backup this will not work as you still need the Internet source to be up for this to work which varies based on setup.

    • Steve

      I have Frontier DSL and my house has solar panels with backup battery for lights, freezer, computers and TV. During a recent storm that took out our power, after resetting the TV and router I was able to continue the internet streaming video I had been watching for several hours.