Laptop Screen Suddenly Went Black or Blank Fix 1

So just recently I was using my Laptop and browsing the Internet when out of the blue the Laptop Screen Suddenly Went Black or Blank.

Thinking it was just a fluke I waited a bit but nothing happened and it would not come back on. The Laptop was definitely on as I could hear Windows sounds and the lights and power indicator on the Laptop was on.

This was very serious as now I was wondering what was going on. I remember specifically praying please not now. I am sure that must be what you are going through right now.

Well I have a solution for fixing the issue where your Laptop screen suddenly goes blank or black all of a sudden.

What causes this issue?

If I were to guess the cause I would say that a software component of your Laptop operating system temporarily stop or malfunctioned causing the problem with display or it could cause other issues in carious parts of your Laptop.

Video Guide:

Watch the video and see what to do to fix the problem or read below.

Click Play to watch video

How to Fix the Problem?

I suggest that in case your Laptop Screen Suddenly Went Black or Blank you

1.Be warned that if you were working on something that was not saved or backed up you will most likely loose it. Using a shortcut key such as Ctrl + S may save the file.

2.Find your power button. Now long press the power button until the Laptop powers off. You can usually tell its off when the LED lit keys goes dead or lights indicating it on or hard drive activity turns off.

3.Now go ahead and press power again. Now the Laptop should power back on. Be warned that your Laptop may take longer than normal to boot back up but be aware this is typical in this situation, allow it to do its thing.

4.Once your Laptop boot back up fully and becomes responsive once again you should be good.

5. To make sure this is less likely to happen again download and use a cleaning tool as this one. If you have one already that one should work just fine.

How to prevent this happening again?

I suggest that you clean your PC with a cleaning app regularly to keep it running in tip top condition. This will prevent software based crashes or errors that may cause problems such as this one.

Before you Go

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About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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One thought on “Laptop Screen Suddenly Went Black or Blank Fix

  • Rep

    Rightly said that Ricardo. Regularly cleaning a PC with a cleaning app can prevent software-based crashes or errors. That video tutorial is exceptional.